Sweet As

To Singapore Airport

We had looked at booking with Air New Zealand again, the same as the year before, but their prices seemed to have shot up! So, we looked around and checked through some of the contenders against a number of websites giving passenger thoughts and criticisms.

Air New Zealand Singapore Airlines

Singapore Air turned out to have good reviews and cost about the same as Air New Zealand had the previous year - Result!

ServisAir Lounge

I booked us in to the ServisAir Lounge again, so that we could "recover" from the trip to the airport. It's lovely to sit in comfort (and in peace and quiet!) as a prep to getting on the plane. You have time to sit and gather your thoughts, have a few drinks, read a paper and get away from the hustle and bustle of the public areas.

The only problem we faced by going via and back through Singapore was the luggage restriction. If you go via the States you get 46kg allowance, but via Singapore it was only 20kg.
However, going via the States means being treated worse than Welsh lamb at a French border control manned by French farmers! I do appreciate that the Americans want to ensure that airline passengers aren't given the opportunity to turn into terrorists and rampage through their airports, or worse still escape out in to the countryside, but get a grip America! I for one, would definitely avoid travelling via the States for virtually any reason!
20kg isn't too bad for a holiday, but taking all our bike gear (helmets, leathers, boots and wets) with us meant we had to be pretty careful on weight. Mind you, as we then had to carry all our luggage with us, maybe that wasn't a bad thing! Louise looked after this side mostly, it's amazing what she saved on weight and mass for the both of us!!

Diary - Sat 15 Nov
It's 9.30am and we are in the ServisAir lounge at Heathrow airport. Croissants, coffee and 2 Baileys so far - well, I'm sure the sun is over the yardarm somewhere!!
It was a lovely uneventful trip up on the coach, definitely a good idea - will do that again. Smashing drivers.
Just waiting for our gate to be announced.
This really is civilised!! No probs getting to the gate. Plane delayed a bit, finally left at 11.30am ish.
What a lovely flight! A380 - Great plane, loads of room. The food and service was fabulous, a really good idea to pre-order the food on the Singapore Airlines website - we got served first, twice!!
Watched "Mamma Mia" and "Wall-E" (Rik watched "Journey to the Centre of the Earth" and "Get Smart") and managed to get some sleep. Rik slept easily when he wasn't watching films or playing with the Games/Office stuff on the in-flight system!

12 1/2 hrs GMT later!!
It's 11:55, not really sure if that is day or night - or what day!
Very easy through Singapore airport, got time just for a quick ciggie each. Off now onto a different and smaller plane - a 777 - for the next leg. Top