Sweet As

To Heathrow Airport

We thought long and hard about how to get to our flight from Heathrow.

Car, taxi, bus, train, plane? In the end, it comes down to comfort, timing and price!

I'd used my car on our first trip in 2007 and found it was a bit too much on the way back - a sleep in a Motorway Services car park was needed but not very comfortable. Louise had gone up by train, which was far more comfortable, and apart from the need to change trains for the Heathrow Shuttle was at least pretty close to door-to-door.

The trains seemed to involve a late night departure and a "few" hours waiting time at London. The cheap and cheerful MegaBus seemed to do the same. Then Louise mentioned that someone at work had travelled up by National Express coaches and were dead impressed. I checked the timings and found that they actually left at all times of the day - and from just up the road at the Pines shopping centre!


My brother Mitch stepped in and offered to take us to the coach stop - Thanks Bro! - no need to book a taxi then!
We left home at 3.30 am, and only needed to wait about 10 minutes at the coach stop. The Bridgend weather even held off for once, unlike the rest of the year up until then.


The National Express coach was a wonderful way to get to Heathrow. It dropped us at the Heathrow central terminus, only a short walk away from the main terminals.

Diary - Sat 15 Nov
Nice gentle walk from the coach stop to where we stopped at Costa Coffee outside the Terminal 3 building - vanilla lattes and a smoke.
Terminal 3 seems much nicer than Terminal 1 last year.
